IoT platform empowered with digital twin

DECENTER goes bey­ond exist­ing IoT plat­forms in 2 main ways:

  • Intel­li­gence bey­ond simple pro­cessing. Not only gath­er inform­a­tion about the phys­ic­al world but also under­stand and anti­cip­ate it thanks to the digit­al twin asso­ci­ated with the IoT plat­form.

  • Intel­li­gence at the edge, close to (or at) the data sources. Based on spe­cif­ic constraints/requirements (pri­vacy, per­form­ance require­ments, qual­ity of ser­vice, etc.), dynam­ic­ally decide on what AI mod­els and algorithms to be used and where with­in the edge-cloud con­tinuum