DECENTER has submitted contributions on standardization of Internet of Media Things (IoMT) which is a sub group of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11 (a.k.a. Motion Picture eXpert Group – MPEG).
IoMT is focussing on standardization of management and control of media-related AI such as object detection or speech recognition with the help of IoT protocols. IoMT has published international standards under ISO/IEC 23093. The contributions submitted from DECENTER includes use case scenarios which makes use of AI Microservices, and proposal of methods to deploy and manage AI onto edge devices.
All the contributions are accepted in the Technology under Consideration of IoMT, and will be included in the next version of IoMT with detailed description of each IoMT analyzers in use cases. KETI, FBK, UL and SNU has worked together to prepare the contributions, and will continue work on the standardization together unless it does not conflict to the interest of each partner’s national body.