The Cloud/AI Ses­sion took place on Octo­ber 12, 2018 at the 3rd Korea-EU Coordin­ated Calls and R&D Con­fer­ence.
The DECENTER pro­ject coordin­at­or dr. Domen­ico Siracusa star­ted the ses­sion by intro­du­cing the DECENTER pro­ject, the main chal­lenges, concept, tech­nic­al approach, key innov­a­tions, bene­fits and use cases.

Prof. Vlado Stankovski (Uni­ver­sity of Ljubljana) gave a present­a­tion entitled “Smart Con­struc­tion with DECENTER’s Fog Com­put­ing Plat­form and Chal­lenges Ahead”. It con­cen­trated on five prob­lem areas in con­struc­tion, includ­ing safety at work, con­struc­tion site man­age­ment, man­age­ment of assets and resources, con­struc­tion pro­gress track­ing and early (dis­aster) warn­ings. One of the iden­ti­fied use cases was aligned with the Big Data pipeline that starts from video streams, deiden­ti­fic­a­tion for pri­vacy reas­ons, hel­met detec­tion by means of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (deep learn­ing with Tensor­Flow) and then ware­hous­ing the obtained metadata and align­ing it with Build­ing Inform­a­tion Mod­els. Finally, three chal­lenges were presen­ted, the need to address the Qual­ity of Ser­vice, the secur­ity and pri­vacy of data as well as the need for auto­mated oper­a­tion start­ing from the con­cep­tion of the smart and safe con­struc­tion site.

Dr. Ismael Cuad­rado Cor­d­ero (ATOS) gave a present­a­tion on the “Tech­no­lo­gic­al Issues of Cloud/AI/IoT”. He spoke about the indus­tri­al drive for the devel­op­ment of Edge and Fog com­put­ing tech­no­lo­gies and about the poten­tial of new indus­tri­al applic­a­tions. Par­tic­u­lar atten­tion was paid on the top­ic of orches­tra­tion of Microservices and the involved chal­lenges. The key mes­sage was: it is now the era of Fog com­put­ing.

Dr. Kon­stanti­nos Tserpes (ICCS/NTUA), the coordin­at­or of the BASMATI pro­ject was the next speak­er. His present­a­tion was focused on Fed­er­ated Cloud resource broker­age for mobile cloud ser­vices. Bear­ing in mind the chal­lenges tackled in the BASMATI pro­ject, there seem to be great align­ment with those tackled by DECENTER. Par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing is BASAMATI’s approach to Cloud resources broker­age for mobile applic­a­tions. On the oth­er hand, the tech­no­lo­gic­al approach taken by the DECENTER pro­ject, which involves the use of Block­chain and Smart Con­tracts and fog/edge com­put­ing resources is a rad­ic­ally dif­fer­ent approach to tackle sim­il­ar chal­lenges.

Prof. Hyeon Joon Moon (Sejong Uni­ver­sity) gave a very inter­est­ing talk entitled “Cloud + IoT + AI versus Block­chain”. Essen­tially, prof. Hyeon Joon Moon presen­ted his own ana­lys­is of the state-of-the-art, which related Block­chain with any of the tri­um­vir­ate tech­no­lo­gies (IoT, AI and Cloud). Inter­est­ingly, there are great num­ber of ini­ti­at­ives in all three areas. This poses sig­ni­fic­ant chal­lenges to DECENTER to go bey­ond the indi­vidu­al devel­op­ments in any of the presen­ted areas IoT+Blockchain, AI+Blockchain and Cloud/Fog/Edge+Blockchain.

Mr. Seo-Kjae Jang (AWS) had a very inter­est­ing talk entitled “What’s pos­sible on AI in the 4th Indus­tri­al Revolu­tion?” It basic­ally showed the new AI ser­vices intro­duced by AWS. The present­a­tion showed sev­er­al com­mer­cial videos of using AI in envir­on­ments such as homes, streets and indus­tri­al set­tings. The present­a­tion did not address any of the pub­lic con­cerns, such as pri­vacy and secur­ity of extrac­ted data.

After the present­a­tion ses­sion, the pan­el dis­cus­sion (with all the presenters except Mr. Seo-Kjae Jang, plus Dr. Seung­woo Kum, the Korean cooordin­at­or of DECENTER) focused mostly on the col­lab­or­a­tion between EU and Korea, and the need for more events like this, in which it is pos­sible to meet, engage and exchange ideas about poten­tial col­lab­or­a­tions.

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