We are happy to announce that the DECENTER paper entitled: “An Applic­a­tion of Kuber­netes Cluster Fed­er­a­tion in Fog Com­put­ing” received the best demo award at the 24th Con­fer­ence on Innov­a­tion in Clouds, Inter­net and Net­works (ICIN 2021).

 The demon­stra­tion aims at show­cas­ing an applic­a­tion of a cluster fed­er­a­tion to increase the elasti­city and resi­li­ence of a Fog Com­put­ing sys­tem. Fed­er­a­tion is per­formed by means of the Kuber­netes Cluster Fed­er­a­tion (KubeFed), a frame­work we aug­men­ted with a two-phase work­load place­ment mech­an­ism that smartly dis­trib­utes applic­a­tions’ microservices among the fed­er­ated infra­struc­ture. Des­pite KubeFed has been gen­er­ally used in a multi-cloud envir­on­ment for work­loads split on dif­fer­ent cloud pro­viders avoid­ing the lock-in, in this demon­stra­tion we show that it can also be used for imple­ment­ing a decent­ral­ized con­trol plane in a highly dis­trib­uted archi­tec­ture where net­work­ing issues should be taken into account.

You can find the paper on our web­site  and the link to the video demon­stra­tion at the fol­low­ing page: https://fogatlas.fbk.eu/research

We would like to thank the ICIN 2021 organ­isa­tion for giv­ing us the oppor­tun­ity to present our work to an amaz­ing and grow­ing com­munity, even in a dif­fi­cult peri­od in which everything has to be organ­ised from remote. Look­ing for­ward to con­trib­ut­ing to the future edi­tions of the con­fer­ence!