The Glob­al Smart City Trends vir­tu­al event will be held from Decem­ber 8th to 11th 2020. The event is organ­ized by the Urb­an Tech­no­logy Alli­ance, a glob­al non-profit organ­iz­a­tion focus­ing on Smart City innov­a­tion.

The pro­ject DECENTER will par­ti­cip­ate to the con­fer­ence and will be present with a booth show­cas­ing the pro­ject innov­a­tions and tech­no­logy deploy­ments. This will be the occa­sion to pro­mote the research res­ults obtained on the pro­ject use cases, such as Smart City cross­ing safety, Smart and safe con­struc­tion sites, and ambi­ent intel­li­gence.

The con­fer­ence will bring togeth­er innov­at­ive cit­ies, indus­tri­al lead­ers and research­ers present­ing the latest Smart Cit­ies innov­a­tions. The Urb­an Tech­no­logy Alli­ance has reached out to its mem­bers and net­work of cit­ies to bring a glob­al pan­el of experts and speak­ers.

The cit­ies will be strongly rep­res­en­ted with present­a­tions of suc­cess stor­ies from deploy­ments in more than 10 cit­ies includ­ing: Sait­ama (JP), Gren­oble (FR), Van­couver (CA), Busan (KR), Sant­and­er (ES), Kan­sas City (USA), Taipei (TW), Glas­gow (UK), Sejong (KR), Cas­ab­lanca (MA), Fujisawa (JP), Dae­jeon (KR), and more.

The con­fer­ence includes present­a­tions of suc­cess­ful smart city deploy­ments, and feed­backs on new tech­no­lo­gies and the chal­lenges faced in deploy­ing them in cit­ies around the globe. A spe­cif­ic focus of the con­fer­ence will be on city resi­li­ence in the face of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic : some cit­ies man­aged to react quick­er and bet­ter than oth­ers and the con­fer­ence will ana­lyse what can be done at the loc­al scale.

The event will include live present­a­tions, key­notes and roundtables, vir­tu­al exhib­it­or booths and press rooms. It will be hos­ted on the MUST B2B Match­mak­ing plat­form.

Vir­tu­al Con­fer­ence Envir­on­ment

The Urban Technology Alliance

The Urb­an Tech­no­logy Alli­ance (UTA) is a glob­al non-profit organ­iz­a­tion provid­ing city-scale test­beds from all around the world, to deploy, test and val­id­ate the latest smart city innov­a­tions.The UTA is provid­ing trus­ted and neut­ral guid­ance to cit­ies for their sus­tain­able digit­al trans­form­a­tion, enabling them to face today’s eco­nom­ic, social and envir­on­ment­al chal­lenges.

The UTA is a vibrant com­munity includ­ing a com­plete smart city eco­sys­tem com­posed of cit­ies, industry, academy and non-profit organ­iz­a­tions. UTA mem­bers net­work, build part­ner­ships, deploy and test con­crete solu­tions in real-life envir­on­ments and share best prac­tice and suc­cess stor­ies among mem­bers world­wide.