Today, Dr. Seung­woo Kum, the Korean coordin­at­or of the DECENTER pro­ject, presen­ted our ideas and out­comes at the 2020 Korea-EU Joint R&D Con­fer­ence, giv­ing a talk entitled “Decent­ral­ised cloud tech­no­lo­gies for edge/IoT integ­ra­tion in sup­port of AI applic­a­tions”.

This import­ant inter­con­tin­ent­al event gave us the oppor­tun­ity to inter­act with rel­ev­ant Korean and European stake­hold­ers and dis­cuss eco­nom­ic and soci­et­al chal­lenges that can be addressed by means of future 6G, Cloud, AI and IoT tech­no­lo­gies.

To this account, Dr. Domen­ico Siracusa, the European coordin­at­or of DECENTER, gave the talk “The jour­ney to the edge of things: chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies”, briefly ana­lys­ing the tech­no­lo­gic­al pen­et­ra­tion of edge com­put­ing and dis­cuss­ing three core top­ics: optim­isa­tion of AI, life­cycle man­age­ment of applic­a­tions in the cloud-to-things con­tinuum, and secur­ity, trust and pri­vacy.

Categories: eventnews