Trento Smart City Week (TSCW)

Trento Smart City Week is an event organ­ized in Trento – Trentino Alto Adige, which has reached its third edi­tion and speaks, as always in a simple and inform­at­ive way, of the new digit­al age that involves every­one, without excep­tion.

There were 8 days of ini­ti­at­ives, round tables, work­shops, present­a­tions and con­fer­ences to under­stand, explain and try out what it means to be “Cit­izens at the time of the digit­al age”. 
There were over 140 events, 180 speak­ers involved, 4 talk rooms, 6 exhib­i­tion stands.

The muni­cip­al­ity of Trento par­ti­cip­ated with its own stand and on 20–21-22 Septem­ber spoke about its cur­rent pro­jects and activ­it­ies. 

Among the activ­it­ies described we talked about DECENTER and how our use case, con­nec­ted to the ped­es­tri­an cross­ing, can help the cit­izen to live more serenely their own life.

The num­bers are pos­it­ive, well over 200 people came to our stand inter­act­ing with us and dis­cov­er­ing the ser­vices that will soon be made avail­able.

Thanks to DECENTER and oth­er pro­jects, we are help­ing to make the cit­izen a prot­ag­on­ist of the digit­al age.

There were 8 days of ini­ti­at­ives, round tables, work­shops, present­a­tions and con­fer­ences to under­stand, explain and try out what it means to be “Cit­izens at the time of the digit­al age”. 
There were over 140 events, 180 speak­ers involved, 4 talk rooms, 6 exhib­i­tion stands.

The Trento Smart City Labs (TSCLabs)

A “Smart City” is a city that uses tech­no­logy as a means to improve the ser­vices provided to cit­izens and com­pan­ies and, more in gen­er­al, the qual­ity of life of all.

Trento Smart City” is a pro­ject whose aim is to imple­ment all this, based on a par­ti­cip­at­ory pro­cess that involves cit­izens, com­pan­ies, and oth­er insti­tu­tions on the ter­rit­ory.

The Trento Smart City Labs are a series of meet­ings organ­ized in the main squares and parks, in the schools and in the twelve dis­tricts of the city to pro­mote the apps and the smart ser­vices avail­able in Trento, by provid­ing the cit­izens with inform­a­tion and sup­port for their install­a­tion and usage.
We already been in 10 dif­fer­ent areas in the Dis­trict of Trento and enter in con­tact with about 200 people.

We already been in 10 dif­fer­ent areas in the Dis­trict of Trento and enter in con­tact with about 200 people.

Based on the idea that “smart cit­ies do not exist without smart cit­izens” (C. Ratti), the goal of the Trento Smart City Labs is to let people know, under­stand and appre­ci­ate the apps and ser­vices real­ized with the inten­tion of mak­ing their daily life easi­er and improve the live­ab­il­ity of the city through tech­no­logy and digit­al tools.

Among the activ­it­ies described we talked about DECENTER and how our use case, linked to ped­es­tri­an cross­ing, can help the cit­izen to live more serenely their own life. 

Thanks to DECENTER when a ped­es­tri­an or cyc­list wishes to cross the road, the sys­tem will identi­fy poten­tially dan­ger­ous situ­ations such as approach­ing a fast car, noise, reduced view due to rain, fog, snow, obstacles and will gen­er­ate a warn­ing that will help people at increase their atten­tion and com­plete in safety of the cross­ing.